Church Bells, Kroger, Vogelsberg Bakery and More…

It hasn’t been quite a month yet since we moved to Carrollton but here’s my list of the good, bad and ugly.

Things I like:

  • Church Bells that ring on the hour, every hour.  I just love hearing the church bells chime and I’m thankful that our home is close enough to the square to hear them.  It’s a bit nostalgic for me as it reminds me of my grandparents’ home.  They had a clock with the same chime and I always admired it as a child.  The most important thing it reminds me of though is to pray- to pray especially for the city and my neighbors.
  • Diversity.  I love the diversity of our neighborhood.  Old and young and in between.  Different races, different cultures, different backgrounds.  I long to see greater diversity in local churches.
  • Kroger Marketplace- ok, this one might seem a little weird BUT Carrollton has the coolest Kroger!  I’ve been told it’s the third largest in Georgia and it has all sorts of non-grocery store like stuff you wouldn’t find in a regular old grocery store.
  • Vogelsberg Bakery-those of you  who’ve been know what I am talking about-need I say more?  Alright, I will: fried pies, cookies, donuts, creme horns.  Crazy good!
  • No HOA!   I love not living in a covenant community. I definitely DO NOT miss having an HOA! I don’t care that I can see my neighbors discarded toilet out my back window or that my neighbors across the street leave their trash cans out all week.

Things I dislike:

  • Palmetto Bugs (aka roaches, but in the south we have to make bugs sound pretty!) which are much more prevalent in this house than our last house.  Ewww!  HATE those things!
  • Higher Poverty Rate:  The poverty rate in Carroll County is 20.2% versus the county (Coweta) we moved from which, according to my research, is at 12.7%.  Really though, this is a big reason why we wanted to move to this area.  It’s a sad statistic but we also see the absolute need for the Gospel to shine forth amongst the needy here.  We look forward to meeting and befriending the people behind the statistic.

Just a few little tidbits of information since moving.  I thought I’d share for anyone who has an interest in reading them.